Hydroxzone Ozonators
The Hydroxzone Ozonator uses hybrid patented technology to produce not only ozone but also hydroxyl radicals, which, combined, add another level of effectiveness in terms of oxidation and sanitation.
Hydroxzone system uses a modified VUV (high intensity ultraviolet light) ozone tube as a corona electrode to simulate nature (hybrid ozone acts like the sun). The result is an ozone generator that produces ozone using corona discharge technology and high energy light in one system.
The ozonator can be used in pools with manual or automatic chlorine dosing and also with salt chlorinators.
The Hydroxzone uses a Dynamic Venturi Injector, whereby the pool water is mixed with the ozone/air mix at the throat of the injector through a narrow annular orifice, thus creating very small bubbles. This method of delivery allows the bubbles to be sustained in the water, maximising the efficiency of the ozone mass transfer.
- It produces pure ozone (there are no toxic nitrous compounds as found in standard corona discharge ozone generators)
- Output is constant and not negatively affected by temperature or humidity as with standard corona discharge technology
- It produces hydroxyl radical, one of the most powerful oxidisers found in nature
- There are no moving parts, which makes maintenance easy
- It’s easy to install and comes with a bypass kit
- Can be used on new pools or easily retrofitted to existing pools
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